Wednesday, 31 March 2010

response extended

from the consideration of initial ideas in response to the brief set i have undoubtably continued this development of ideas with visual research to consider the ideas further.
the image above is an exploration of a new typography by which a digital image is created through a specific key stroke sequence that is individually determined by the user. David Crow explores the idea of visual dominance and how often an image or visual can have a larger degree of affect than words themselves. through the development of technology and the advancement of digital intelligence he has been able to demonstrate this transition of text to imagery and at the same time highlight the idea of communication through a hidden language that is coded and decoded by a technological device in which to create an aesthetic that is uniquely formed depending on the input at any present time.

Friday, 26 March 2010

initial response

my initial response from the starting point of communication and language led off in several directions leading into very different conceptual paths.
my first thought was in relation to the idea of technological langauge and the transferral of data between two mediums. when we input data into a technological device we enter it in a language or 'code' that is recognisable to us. when entering this data, the device in order for it to then deliver the result in which we expect, has to 'decode' and translate into a langauge that it understands, better known as 'binary code', and then reverse it back into a state that we then recognise. this process is undetectable to us when entering the data as the process occurs at such a pace and without visibility. from this i could potentially explore the idea of hidden messages and the unconceivability of the invisible.
another path i considered was that of the rapid transition from the traditional use of text as a form of communication to becoming a widely image based forum. i considered the idea of when we are children before we are literate, the key base of education is the image and how a child can learn the method of fictional communication without the use of text. from this i considered the possibilities of looking at imagery that would trigger a narrative or provoke an emotion without the intended concept being present.

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

subtraction cutting

i found this unique and unusual approach to pattern cutting extremely interesting with an expanse of possibilities. my main intrigue to this method came from the fact that only three pattern pieces were needed to create such a complex aesthetic in adverse to traditional pattern cutting and the idea of creating a tunnel by the removal of the negative space i find very inspiring.
the initial technique and theory behind the innovative approach was simple to comprehend and i feel i applied it with ease, however the actual placement of the circles to create a desired silhouette i feel i still need to continue with further experimentation to enable me to use this method to its full advantage.
another key aspect that came to light during the workshop was the importance of fabric choice. we used quite stiff fabric resulting in a structural and volumous outcome, whereas others within the workshop used a more delicate light weight fabric which resulted in a softer, draped aesthetic.
i feel very inspired to take this approach futher and experiment with key aspects such as fabric choice, pattern placement, varied pattern shape subtraction and alternative garments.

Thursday, 18 March 2010

process art - its all about the journey

Process art is an art movement by which the end product of the art is not the prominent focus, instead the process of its making is a key aspect, or in some cases the entire completed piece.

work by installation artist felix gonzalez-torres specifically his "untitled (placebo)" piece, pictured above, has a clear process art approach to its thought and creation. the installation consists of over 40,000 small silver wrapped candy pieces. the pieces are arranged when installed in a rectangular fashion on the floor of the exhibition space in an almost carpet like fashion. throughout the duration of the exhibition the visitors are encouraged to take a piece of candy from the exhibit therefore potentially by the end of the installation the artwork then becomes something of nothing. obviously, the transition from the entirety of the installation to the void of space left at the end, due to the removal, embodies the process and in this case it would be a gradual experience creating a varying aesthetic at the end of each day highlighting further the idea of the process as the key to the completed work rather than the execution.

Sunday, 14 March 2010

the brief

"a langauge is a particular kind of system for encoding and decoding information. during this project you will explore the idea of langauge and communication. interation through touch, sound, movement and dialogue, should be explored, and inform research path. your research should then seek to inform a design process that reflects a directional and forward approach that encompasses innovation within cutting, fabric and design."