within the brief for this module the end product of a three dimensional garment is to be a collaborative effort, by which the members of the group should consider all aspects of each others concepts in relation to communication and language and work together to amalgamate a final product that exemplifies the entire group.
the group consists of sean denham, paris hawkins-carr and myself. we intially began by bringing our ideas together and brainstorming all key aspects to our concepts to assist in highlighting any significant links in which to encapsulate and take forward our ideas as a collaboration to aid in a final product that would inform of all three conceptual angles in which we each approached the set brief. we then also discussed the directions we each were leading in terms of our own personal designs and what aspects we felt we would most like to contribute to the collaborative outcome. for sean the key path that his designs were heading towards was that of distortion and fragmentation of the fabric through the use of panelling and pleating, for paris it was specifically the use of alternative fastenings, prominantly that of magnetic ball bearings thus indicating the use for panelling in which to insert such fastenings and then for myself it was to create a silhouette that causes the garment to appear disconnected from the figure changing and distorting through the use of geometric panelling and structure.
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